Option 2160 - First Column Bypass to Olfactory
This option allows the Model 2100 multidimensional GC-olfactory
system to be used in two configurations:
Configuration 1
This is the standard Model 2100 configuration, i.e., 1st column
separation, heartcut to the 2nd column, and then olfactory/MS detection at the
end of the 2nd column.
Configuration 2
This configuration routes the 1st column separation to FID and
olfactory port (1:1 split). This allows the user to survey the 1st column
effluent, determine the areas of olfactory interest, and then compare those
results to known retention time indices.
The olfactory information can also be used to define
heartcut/cryofocus events to the 2nd column for further separation.
A single, inert valve is added to accomplish the configuration
change. Since this valve is post column separation, it has no effect on
peak shape, inertness, etc. The valve is under
configuration and control.