Option 2120 - Dual Oven, Multidimensional GC Olfactory Option
For the
ultimate in separations technology, this option moves the 2nd column of
the multidimensional system to a separate Agilent Model 6890 GC for
independent temperature programming of the 2nd column separation.
The cryofocus system is mounted in the 2nd oven for refocusing of the
heartcut effluent.
A short,
heated transfer line connects the two GCs. By physically aligning
the midpoint assembly (junction of the 2 columns) and the cryofocus
system, we can minimize the interconnect tubing and maintain complete
system inertness.
multidimensional controller allows full, independent control of both GC
systems and can remotely start/stop the second GC to synchronize the
separation with the available heartcuts/cryotraps. The standard
G1701DA MSD Chemstation software permits data acquisition and instrument
control of both GCs.
The Model 2120 option is typically a custom designed system, and may include a
number of other detector and sample introduction options. Please
contact Microanalytics for pricing and